Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Joost Mania

[edit] I was finally able to get an invitation "special thanks to Eirik Solheim" - I am really impressed with the quality of Joost; however, there's still more to be provided in terms of channels selection, which I think something to be improved in the future. I would like to invite people along but for some reason my invitation box is empty. The Joost website seems to indicate that more will be distributed in the future. So post a comment anywhere and I'll make sure to spread the love when those invitations start rolling in.

[update] Invitations are available, post if wanted one...


eirikso said...

Invite on its way! Have fun.

Simon said...

Please send an invite this way! I have been trying to track one down for weeks with no avail.

B-ull Sh-log said...

[simon] Have you received an invitation yet??? I've got 3 to spare.. let me know if you're still looking

Anonymous said...


I'll appreciate very much if you could send me a invite.

Thanks in advance!

Aguimar Jr
aguimarjr at

B-ull Sh-log said...

[Aguimar Jr] not at my computer at the moment, will send you one when I get on it... However, if in the mean time you were able to get one from someone else before i send you mine, please inform me so that we don't waste an invite..

Unknown said...

Hey, can I get an invite. It would fill thine heart with joy and eyes with wonderful pleasures. Basically i can watch some tv. Thanks

Unknown said...

OH, if you can spare one can you send it to

thanks a bunch.

evil666kitty said...


evil666kitty said...

I would love an invite and would, of course, share...


s208 said...

HI, i would like to recieve an invitation from you, if u can of course, please, my email is serurr_208 at hotmail dot com thanks

s208 said...
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lespaulbama said...

send me an invite if you can. sounds like a great website. I can't get on from work but i can from home. My company blocks most streaming audio or video.


lespaulbama said...


Unknown said...

If anyone can PLEASE INVITE me for the JOOST along with the other 10,000 people asking I sure would appreciate it. THANKS!
hubble2005 at hot mail dot com
kindly :)